
Trubio Organic Whole Clove is the intensely aromatic & richly flavourful dried flower buds of the Syzygium Aromatica evergreen tree, known as cloves are hand-selected for high oil content. Clove is one of the most ancient and valuable spices of the orient. This spice is later known to Chinese in 266 B.C. In India clove was introduced in 1800A.D. by the East-India company. The term clove is derived from the French word clove and English word clout both meaning nail-from the likeness of the flower bud of the clove tree to a broad-head nail.


  • Trubio organic Clove is very aromatic, has a fine flavour and imparts warming qualities.
  • It is used as a culinary spice as the flavour blends well with both sweet and savoury dishes.
  • It is highly valued as carminative, aromatic and stimulant.
  • This good quality clove has stimulating properties due to the reason that it is also used in flatulence and dyspepsia.
  • Because of pungent and spicy taste, it is used for flavouring curries, Jellies, pickles, ketchup, sauces, spice mixtures and pickling spice.

Organic Certifications: India organic, USDA, EU Organic, Fairtrade & Naturland

Certifications: BRC & ISO 22000:2005

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Weight 0.1 kg


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